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Word Count & Its Potential Impact On Long Island SEO

By Arthur Williams

When you were in school, chances are you were told to not go above or below a certain word count. This logic will understandably carry over into other fields, marketing included, which brings us to Long Island SEO. During the content creation process, it's important to write content that stays within certain parameters from a word count perspective. Here are a few things to know about the topic in question so that, eventually, you start to rank better.

First and foremost, you may want to know what the appropriate length of an SEO piece should be. According to reputable authorities such as www.fishbat.com, the "sweet spot" tends to exist between what's seen as too long and too short. You shouldn't focus so much on creating 200-word pieces, as this may not provide the value that others want. On the flipside, reading a 10,000-piece isn't doable for most people. If you can stick to the range of 2,000 words, for example, you stand a greater chance of obtaining Long Island SEO success.

When it comes to staying within a certain word count for SEO success, there are a few strategies that are worth following. It may seem like a given, but you should know that proofreading your work goes a long way in this regard. When this is done, you have the opportunity to cut down language, add new content, or simply make corrections so that your work is more readable. This will help you in terms of word count, too.

It's also worth noting the presence of word count programs and functions alike. There are many benefits that Microsoft Word, for example, has for any writer, including the fact that it keeps track of words, lines, paragraphs, and other details associated with documents. Third-party software and programs exist, too, and tend to provide different information as well. For those that wish to make writing easier, in this regard, know that you're not short on options.

When it comes to content creation for SEO purposes, you can clearly see that word count plays a vital role. This doesn't mean that other factors should be overlooked, though. In fact, when you write content on a routine basis, it's important to do so with human beings in mind. If you write with the specific purpose of catering to search engines, results won't arise as you'd like. The more readable your work is, the better it will perform.

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