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Talking About Pressurized Liquid Extraction System

By Harold Myers

Look, we have so little patience for anything in a department that we remotely have any interest in. So forgive us if we do not end up talking about anything regarding this topic. You cannot blame us. Who talks comes up with a conversation about this anyway? Granted, this is supposed to be a professional article and should at least have a semblance about systems and such. But none of us know anything about Pressurized Liquid Extraction System.

We will be talking about Fairytail characters then. Like Erza Scarlet. We all know she is BAE, since not only is she a super beautiful and sexy mage, she is also a badass. Known to be someone who wields a great power, this Titania can beat through any wise guy who does not get the words Stay Away From My Nakama.

Not really accurate but this type of topic diversion is definitely safer than assuming what we were supposed to know with pressure and liquid, even with all the research we could do with it. As generalized as this is, it would take a lot patience and focus to keep us on track. Give us a break. It washard enough to study things we were not inclined to be interested in, now we need to half ass our way through it?

That does not even count the pressure we were on when we have to make sure this stretches out more than five hundred words in nine paragraphs. Then we have to rewrite it two freaking times and make sure they do not end up being similar. Do you know how much time we always waste just by thinking of other synonyms?

Screw the quota, there is the rejected ones to be worried about. We understand that there are guidelines to follow, but Jesus Christ. We appreciate the editing, editors, especially when you have to work past our lazy messes. But it would not hurt to give us a break every now and then. Even if it was mostly our fault for being lazy about writing.

Enough of our complaints, let us just jump right into this. Think about the chemical reactions of things when you mix said chemicals together. As boring as that sounds, trust us when we say that we DO think it is lame, imagine if the reactions were something close to what happened to the Power Puff Girls.

Makarov Dreyar is the master of this insane guild. His magic is mostly about him transforming into a titan and wreaking havoc everywhere, but then there are times when he just wields some sort of god like power and simply decimates everything and everyone that hurts his children. He may not be their biological father, but no one can deny that he was the paternal figure in this guild.

Mystogan, also known as Jellal Edolas. He is the prince of the second parallel world next to theirs and is the Edolas counterpart of Jellal Fernandez, the love interest of Erza. Though, Jellal had a bit of a rough introduction since he was an antagonist at first, Mystogan is anything but devious. His sense of responsibility is what keeps him apart from Jellal.

It just is the same with consuming dangerous acid. Doing the same to mysterious and colorful liquids might give you the same outcome. So, our advice is to not do it.

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