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Why Do Web Design Companies Perform Redesigns?

By Arthur Williams

No matter how effective a website is in the moment, it may not perform at the same level over the course of time. This is where redesigns come into play, and to say that they matter would be an understatement. Digital media is an ever-changing landscape, and the web-based platforms that succeed are the ones that can stay modern. When it comes to the purposes of redesigns, in this regard, here is what website development companies can tell you.

One of the purposes of redesigns, according to companies like Lounge Lizard, is to provide a seamless user experience. When you click on a website, either to buy a product or simply learn something, chances are that you will expect to find what you need as easily as possible. If a site is unable to provide this, it's safe to assume that it will require a redesign. Otherwise, it stands a greater chance of getting lost in the proverbial shuffle.

What if you have a website that isn't responsive? As time goes on, more and more search traffic will come from mobile devices, which makes sense given how often people are on the move. It's important to account for traffic that comes from smartphones and tablets, which is where responsive design comes into play. Not only will this result in greater engagement among one's audience, but more sales for the businesses that stay on top of things from a web design standpoint.

A redesign can also come about as a result of a new product that you're planning to release. After all, if you're going to shift focus to a new product that's sure to receive plenty of attention, it would make perfect sense to develop your site to accommodate it. This will include the addition of new images, copy, and perhaps even branded graphics. This will vary from one company to the next, but it's a possibility to keep in mind all the same.

Lastly, your website may need a redesign if there has been a change in your company's marketing strategy. Even though it may not seem like it, your site plays a huge role in terms of how well your advertising is done. It must be developed so that it accommodates every facet of marketing, SEO included. Otherwise, you run the risk of being trumped by the competition, which will negatively impact your sales.

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