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Long Island SEO: 4 Ways To Make Your Website More Functional

By Arthur Williams

While it might go without saying, the best websites tend to be the ones that are most functional. Not only are they cosmetically pleasing, but they run smoothly, ensuring strong user experiences across the board. How can you build your website for better functionality, you may wonder? Here are 4 of the best ways to do so, courtesy of those that specialize in the field of Long Island SEO.

One of the best ways to get your website to function better is by keeping things as simple as possible. According to companies such as fishbat, the best websites tend to be those that are basic from a cosmetic standpoint. While this might not seem creative on the surface, Long Island SEO agencies will tell you that it's perhaps the most creative solution. If there's anything that the likes of Apple have proven, it's that keeping things simple works best.

Another thing to know about website functionality is that navigation must be smooth. For instance, scrolling sites have become quite popular due to how easy they are to navigate. When information is easily accessible, the site itself tends to perform much better. If you're able to reduce the number of pages that your platform has, you'll be surprised by the increased engagement it will be able to elicit.

Third, make sure that your social media information is easily accessible. Even though your official website is likely to receive the bulk of your attention from a sales standpoint, social activity matters just as much. Links to your various social accounts, ranging from Facebook to Instagram, should be prominent in one of the top corners of your site. By keeping these icons visible, you'll be able to drive more people to these sites.

To wrap things up, no matter how effective your website is now, updates must occur. Web developers know that certain layouts aren't always going to perform at a high level. This is one of the reasons why they keep a close watch on any changes that are made in web design, regardless of how big or small they seem. One can make the argument that this is plays into website functionality more than anything else.

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