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With Hosted VoIP Vancouver Companies Thrive Whilst Saving Money

By Diane Mitchell

The way in which business is conducted have changed considerably over the past decade or two. Technology has seen to it that even smaller businesses are now able to compete on a global platform and competition is fiercer than ever before. Consumers have become more conscious of the fact that they do not own loyalty to any business. Businesses have to give excellent service. By moving over to hosted VoIP Vancouver companies strive to provide this service that is demanded from them.

Internet based communication systems have been around for some time. They were slow, initially, to make an impression on businesses because they require a fast, reliable internet connection. In days gone by there were large areas where internet access was simply not available or else it was very slow. This is no longer the case. There is hardly a place in the world left where it is impossible to access the internet.

For many companies, the main motivating factor for moving over to internet based systems is the promise that they will save a significant amount. This is indeed the case. Some larger clients have stated that they managed to half their previous communication bills. For major companies these savings can translate into savings of millions every year.

Older PABX systems required a massive capital outlay because it was necessary to install hardware at every building, branch or site. Each installation involved constant maintenance and downtime was common. Internet systems, on the other hand, is installed centrally and involves no hardware because the service providers hosts the system. They handle all maintenance issues. This fact alone can also save a lot of money.

Huge savings in the cost of communication is not the only benefit offered by internet systems. One of the most important benefits of these systems is that users are not tied to a desk. They can access the system at any time and from anywhere. This means that employees will never miss important calls and they are free to move to those places where they are most needed.

Users also like the idea that internet based systems allow them to use a variety of devices. Laptops, smart phones and tablets can be used at will, as long as they are able to connect to the internet. Users are not restricted to the use of a single device either, because all their user records are based in the cloud and available to them on any device, at any time and everywhere in the world.

Users of older systems such as PABX have grown used to the ability to transfer calls, voice mail and call forwarding. With internet based systems they still have these features available to them, but they also have a lot of other features that are designed to help them be as efficient as the possibly can be. Users enjoy benefits such as conference calling, video conferences, voice to email, fax to email, and many other exciting features.

There can be no doubt that internet based systems are the future. These systems are gaining fast in popularity and ongoing research and development makes them more and more efficient and attractive. Clients quickly find out that the savings they achieve is only the tip of the iceberg of benefits offered to them.

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