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New York Web Design: The Dangers Of Inactive Links

By Arthur Williams

Have you ever clicked on a link, only to be directed to a 404 or error page? This is a direct result of said link being broken, which can hurt even the strongest New York web design efforts. Why are these links so crucial to fix, though? Why should designers hone in on these problems so that they're accounted for as soon as possible? Hopefully the following information will give you a better understanding as to how broken links hurt this endeavor.

New York web design agencies can tell you that inactive or broken links take away from the overall user experience. Let's say that someone clicks on a link, only to be led to an entirely different section than expected. Not only does this create inconsistency, but it can ensure that the user will not come back again. This is just one of many concerns that, fortunately, companies like Avatar New York can help prevent.

You should also know that inactive links can get in the way of traffic, which is especially vital in the digital age that we live in today. If one person has a poor experience on your site, who's to say that others won't fall under this umbrella as well? Links that fail to function will translate to all users, which is all the more reason to fix them. Needless to say, doing so will help you build more traffic in the future.

Finally, even a single broken link can negatively impact your SEO efforts. It's important to note that search engines, Google especially, have placed more weight on websites that are fully functional. This includes the quality of the links that they house, meaning that yours should operate as intended. If there's even a single 404 error page, your rankings will decrease across the board. Fixing these links will eventually help your rankings, as any Internet marketing company will attest.

These are just a few ways that broken links can hurt New York web design, regardless of how experienced developers pride themselves on being. Links that don't work as they should can pose myriad problems, even outside of the ones covered earlier. However, you can avoid these potential mishaps by continually testing your site. By doing so, you'll have a better understanding of which links are functional and, just as importantly, the ones that call for fixing.

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