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Factors That Affect Home Acoustics Design

By Ann West

The acoustic environment is usually overlooked in the design of home theaters. Most people think that stereo speakers are the only determinants of how sound travels in a room. For instance, when you go to any cinema theater, you will observe that sound treatment covers a big portion of the walls. There are various ways of improving the quality of sound. One of them is known as home acoustics.

Sound waves travel in different directions once they have been emitted by stereo systems. Their movement is also determined by the number and type of objects found on their path. For example, the volume of sound produced from speakers in rooms with several objects is low. On the other hand, empty rooms usually have echoes and are ideal for high sound pitches. As an enthusiastic Roanoke VA inhabitant, your main interest is the quality of audio emitted by speakers.

In the design of houses, the use of lesser sound absorbent materials such as bare dry-walls and hardwood floors is essential. On the other hand, materials such as fabric carpet and thick sofa sets absorb sound waves. The interior design of a residential apartment is therefore a factor that everyone should consider. This determines the type of aural environment created for audios.

One effective method of balancing sound volumes is by installing stereo systems that fit your house size. This means that large movie theater speakers are not ideal for residential apartments. Furthermore, big speakers cause a lot of noise and affect the ear drums. To be on the safe side, purchase speakers that consume less power and emit lesser audio waves.

Another factor is the first order reflections of sounds. This refers to the areas within rooms where audio waves are reflected. To be precise, first order reflections are normally found on the left, right and front of main speakers. They are also found on the ceiling and floors. When installing audiophiles in your apartment, it is important to ensure that these parts are made of smooth surfaces because rough ones hinder sound reflection.

Creating a balance between sound absorption and diffusion is an effective way of reducing noise pollution as well as creating good audio environments. Sound diffusion is the splitting up of waves when they hit different mediums. In absorption, materials such as fabric usually withhold audio waves hence interfering with their motion. One way of achieving a balance between both absorption and diffusion is by using brick walls when building a house.

The use of devices such as sub-woofers that electronically adjust audio waves in the same way that diffusion agents do also creates good audio environments. In this case, you can purchase these devices from several electronic stores. When purchasing them, it is important to look at the audio specifications indicated on the device manual. Most of these audio devices are expensive because they have been fine tuned to adapt to any sound absorbent environment.

Acousticians and sound engineers inhabiting Roanoke VA can be resourceful when you have issues with your fine tuning your stereo equipment. These technicians can also advise you on how to position speakers within your apartment for sound to be heard clearly. They are able to achieve this by use of audio measuring gadgets.

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