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Find Tips On Web Design Phoenix AZ Programmers

By Bradon Harris

In the modern day business environment, it has become important for all businesses to have an online presence. Apart from having a few social media accounts, having a good blog really helps increase the sales. When it comes to web design Phoenix AZ business owners need to follow certain guidelines during the development process.

Take time to confirm that all pages on your site are loading at a good pace. For a normal site, the pages should not take more than a few seconds to load their content. If they exceed fifteen seconds, then it means that something is wrong with the code.

Navigation is an important factor to consider. Once a visitor is on the site, you should make them want to visit all the pages. Clear navigation can be aided through the use of proper links all over the site. If possible, place the links at the top, as this is where all visitors first check.

Consider the resolutions being used during development. It is important to keep in mind that there are different computers in the market at any one time. Some come with higher resolution than other. However, all the users must be able to use this site without any problems.

Check to ensure that it is compatible with modern browsers. Users should be able to use different browsers when they are reading the available content. You must therefore run a check to confirm that this web design Tempe template is compatible with as many browsers as possible.

In addition to browser compatibility, there is also need to make a responsive site. A responsive site is one that can be accessed from a multitude of devices. This will be the blog that can be accessed from a tablet, computer or even a mobile phone.

Images are an important part of any site. However, too many images can make matters to be complicated. You need to ensure that you do not use more images than necessary. Using fewer images will help make the site appear neat, as there is some white space on the background.

It is very important for one to check for the presence of broken links. The broken links are also known as dead links and should never be present on a blog. As you upload it online, take sometime to run a check for the presence of dead links on it.

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